Double glazing stands out as the go-to choice for countless homeowners in the UK, making it the most popular and effective type of glazing. Its popularity is undeniable, seen in almost every home in the country and earning the respect of numerous installers nationwide. This widely embraced option brings many benefits to your home, providing not only ease of installation but also cost-effectiveness and practicality. Opting for double glazing is a straightforward decision for those seeking a simple yet highly effective solution to enhance their windows, so this is why our experts in double glazing in Harpenden have compiled a guide to answer out most-asked question: ‘What is double glazing?’.

What Is Double Glazing? And How Does It Improve Your Home?

At CS Windows, our commitment is to provide exceptional care and high-quality products for each of our clients. We take pride in consistently meeting and exceeding the standards set by our valued customers. Our products are manufactured to the highest quality possible and installed effectively, quickly and with care every time! If you’re in search of exceptional windows in Harpenden, contact our specialists today and explore our comprehensive range of services and products for a trustworthy and quality experience.

Double Glazed Kitchen Windows

What Are Double Glazed Windows?

In the new age of modern housing, a prevalent feature enhancing both energy efficiency and home insulation is the double glazed window. They comprise two panes of glass encased within an insulated glass unit; these windows are separated by a spacer bar, creating a sealed air gap filled with insulating gases like xenon, krypton, or argon. They have a surrounding frame supporting this innovative design, typically made from materials such as uPVC, aluminium, or timber.

Statistics reveal that more than 80% of homes in the UK are fully double glazed, highlighting just how beneficial and popular they really are. Double glazed windows make such a significant difference to your home’s energy efficiency and insulation that in 2022, building regulations across the UK updated and stated that all replacement windows must be set to a minimum double C rated unless the property is located in a conservation area or is listed!

How Does Double Glazing Work?

Double glazing works on a simple yet effective principle, which involves sealing two panes of glass within an Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), with a spacer bar keeping a clear separation between them. The critical part is the space between the panes, typically ranging from 6 to 12mm, which introduces an air gap. This gap significantly slows down the movement of both hot and cold temperatures. It’s important to note that the air gap doesn’t ‘trap heat’ but rather acts as a barrier that reduces heat loss. The narrow space between the panes interferes with the air circulation, reducing air movement and further reducing heat transfer.

Double Glazed Balcony Window

Double Glazed Windows Benefits

There are a ton of benefits to double glazing, which is what makes it so popular and effective across the UK! Just some of these include:

Retain more heat and keep your home warmer

Double glazing minimises heat loss through the insulation the air trapped within the sealed unit provides. When cold air interacts with the outer pane of glass, it passes its temperature to the layer of argon gas. Argon gas has a 34% reduced thermal transfer rate compared to air, effectively slowing heat movement between hot and cold air. The argon layer then transfers a smaller portion of the temperature difference to the inner pane of glass, allowing it to maintain a median temperature between the argon layer and the room itself. Due to this, it helps capture natural heat and store it for the colder months, which is an excellent method to keep your house insulated during winter.

Keep more external noise out of your home

Sound moves through the air and objects by vibrating their molecules; when sound waves encounter glass, the glass vibrates in sync with the sound wave frequency and transmits these vibrations to the air molecules on the opposite side. As the sound wave travels, it encounters dense objects that absorb its energy, reducing the frequency of the waves as they pass through. This explains why, when you place your ear against a wall, you can hear people talking on the other side, but stepping away from the wall diminishes the sound.

Double glazing plays a role in noise reduction by absorbing some of the energy and slowing down the vibration frequency as it travels through the glass and the layer of argon gas. As the sound wave emerges on the other side of the window, it is somewhat diminished, resulting in a quieter noise, keeping your home feeling and sounding quieter, allowing you to relax in the evenings without being bothered by sounds from the outside.

Reduce your energy bills

Opting for double glazing reduces the amount of energy needed to cool or heat a room, leading to lower energy costs and saving you money. During the summer, double glazing proves advantageous by capturing the sun’s heat through the windows, effectively helping to maintain a cooler environment in your room.

Enhance safety and security

Equipping your entire house with double glazed windows enhances the safety and security of your home. Double glazed windows are tightly sealed and significantly more resilient, making them more challenging to break in comparison to other window types.

Double Glazing By CS Windows

How Long Do Double Glazed Windows Last?

A double glazed window boasts an impressive expected lifespan of 25-30 years and often even passes these guesses, particularly if the house they are installed into is not somewhere subject to extreme weather. However, if positioned in places with more challenging weather conditions, such as along the coast, the expected lifespan may be slightly reduced to around 20 years.

The careful attention given to the quality and production of the sealed unit is essential to the integrity of a double glazed window. If this component were to fail, it could compromise the entire window, leading to the unfortunate loss of the insulation properties that make double glazing so efficient. Therefore, ensure you are investing in our highest quality double glazing in Harpenden, installed with an innovative designed sealed unit and frames, to make sure you get the best bargain available!

How Much Are Double Glazed Windows?

Double glazed windows differ in price depending on where you get them from and the material you choose for their frame. With our double glazing in Harpenden, you are guaranteed the best offer available when it comes to choosing your frame. All of our double glazed windows and frames are produced to the highest degree of quality and ensure total insulation.

Typically, in the UK, uPVC casement windows come with a price range of £600 to £1,800 per window. Using these figures as a baseline, you can estimate other window prices. For instance, a sash window costs approximately 50% more than a casement window, while a tilt-and-turn window is only about 25% pricier than a casement window. In comparison, timber frames are roughly 50% more expensive than uPVC windows, and aluminium frames come with a premium of around 25%.

For a more accurate cost estimation to install double glazing, you require a survey from a double glazing installer. Our team can provide you with the tools you need to estimate how much double glazing would cost for you; we will consider any complications in fitting your windows and advise on the best style of window for your property!

Double Glazing On Loft Conversion

Is It Worth Replacing Double Glazing With Tripe Glazing?

Choosing the right glazing for your home involves weighing different factors. With its three panes of glass and two gas-insulated spaces, triple glazing is a good choice for preventing heat loss, ensuring a warmer home compared to other glazing types.

Additionally, much like double glazing, triple glazing tends to increase property value and is highly rated for energy efficiency, translating into potential savings on energy bills. However, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of each room, as triple glazing might lead to overheating in sunlit areas during the summer. While it generally costs more than double glazing, it offers significant advantages in colder, shady rooms where it retains more heat.

Triple glazing may only be suitable for some homes, as it might not be available in all materials or styles and homes in conservation areas or listed buildings may face restrictions on using triple glazing, so it’s important to consider each room individually.

Double glazing often remains a practical and cost-effective choice for many modern, well-insulated homes receiving ample natural sunlight. Consider the age of your current windows, the climate, and their specific location before deciding on the most suitable glazing option. Keep in mind that since June 2022, Building Regulations have mandated a minimum B-rating for all new windows, highlighting the importance of energy efficiency in window replacements.
Double Glazing On Outhouse

How To Remove Condensation From Double Glazing

The air around us has tiny, invisible water droplets, so when it’s warm, the droplets are spread out, but as it gets cooler, they come together, forming what’s called the ‘dew point.’ Condensation happens when this moist air meets a cold surface, like your window, and you see water droplets. Actions like boiling water or taking a hot shower add more moisture to the air, making windows steam up, especially in places like the kitchen or bathroom. Even our breath has moisture, so that’s why you might see your bedroom window foggy when you wake up.

Double glazed windows have a gap inside that could get moist. However, they apply a substance called desiccant (like what’s in a new bag or shoes) to soak up the moisture and keep it dry. If the seals on the windows get bad, more moisture can get in, and you might see condensation inside. Double glazing helps with condensation because it keeps the glass warmer than single glazing. The air gap in double glazing keeps the inside glass closer to room temperature. So, even if it’s a bit chilly outside, your window is less likely to get all drippy inside. If you do see condensation, it might help to open a window or use a fan to let out some of the humid air.

Some ways to get rid of condensation on your double glazed windows are:

Use a hairdryer

Many property owners eventually end up with condensation on their windows, so a quick way to fix this is by getting a hairdryer and using its heat on your double glazing to dry the moisture out quickly. Ensure you use only a little heat, as this could cause trouble over time when the temperature is too high.

Professional cleaning

A cost-friendly way to clean windows is by calling a glass professional. A small hole is drilled at the top of the window as well as at the bottom then a cleaning solution is applied through the top hole and sucked out through the bottom hole. The holes are then sealed with vent plugs, which allow air, water, and vapour to escape.

Change your windows

If the space between the glass has been damaged, the window may need to be replaced. Although changing a single-window pane rather than the whole window might save you money if there is rot, our experts in windows in Harpenden advise to replace the entire unit.

Modern House With Blue Double Glazed Windows

How To Clean Double Glazed Windows

To effectively clean your windows, gather a few essential items: a microfibre cloth, warm, soapy water, bleach and white vinegar for a streak-free finish. An alternative to a microfibre cloth is to recycle newspaper by scrunching it into a ball shape and applying the cleaning solution.

Before applying any cleaning solution:

  • Ensure the glass surface is free of debris to prevent scratching.
  • Apply your chosen cleaning solution (such as a mixture of bleach and warm water) to the cloth, and if using white vinegar, it can help prevent streaks as the windows dry.
  • When cleaning, use a slow circular motion with gentle pressure, avoiding quick zig-zags that may leave marks.

Remember to clean your rubber seals using warm, soapy water and a soft cloth, matching the cloth colour to your frame, as different colours are susceptible to leaving stains. Avoid wire wool or scouring brushes, as they may cause scratches and for hard-to-reach areas, use a soft-bristled paintbrush to remove dust, ensuring a thorough and spotless window cleaning process!

For more information on how to clean your window frames, take a look at our previous article!

Double Glazing: All You Need To Know

Now you know everything you need to know about double-glazed windows, you should be able to decide whether you’d prefer double glazing to other glazing types! If you need more information on the services we offer as well as our selection of windows in Harpenden, make sure you contact us now!